VBA calling C# Routine

VBA calling C# Routine

Postby stephen » Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:27 pm

I have a VBA code attempting to call a C# routine and pass a string parameter to the C# routine
but the C# receives an empty string

This is my VBA code in an excel 2007 workbooh
Code: Select all
Private Sub TestDotNetCall()
Dim testClass As New DotNetClass
' MsgBox testClass.DotNetMethod("World")
Dim psDBConnet As String
Dim riDBHandle As Long
Dim plDBConnectTimeout As Long
Dim plDBCommandTimeout As Long

psDBConnet = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=PC-12OCT07\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks"
'Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW
plDVConnectTimeout = 10
plDBCommandTimeout = 20

MsgBox testClass.ADOMDConnectionOpen1(riDBHandle, psDBConnect, plDBConnectTimeout, plDBCommandTimeout)

'MsgBox testClass.ADOMDConnectionOpen(riDBHandle, psDBConnect, plDBConnectTimeout, plDBCommandTimeout)
End Sub

This is the code in the Visual Studio 2008 C# program
Code: Select all
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace DotNetLibrary
    // Allows for intellisense (early bounding)

    public class  DotNetClass
        uint MAX_CONNECTIONS = 100;
        int[] ADOConnections;

        public DotNetClass() // default Constructor
            // Initialise the connection array
            ADOConnections = new int[MAX_CONNECTIONS];

            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
                ADOConnections[i] = 0;

        public string ADOMDConnectionOpen1(ref int riDBHandle, ref string psDBConnect, int plDBConnectTimeout, int plDBCommandTimeout)
            //  Returns 0 and Handle >=0 if all OK
            //  Returns -1 if any errors, iHandle >= 0 if connection object created OK (but some other error)
            //  Returns -1 if any errors iHandle = -1 if connection object not created

            uint iDBHandle = 0;

            AdomdConnection objconADOMDs;
            string bstrAccessConnect;

                if (GetNextConnectionHandle(ref iDBHandle))
                    objconADOMDs = new AdomdConnection();
                    bstrAccessConnect = psDBConnect;
                    objconADOMDs.ConnectionString = bstrAccessConnect;
                    return "3";

            catch (Exception ex) {
                Type t = psDBConnect.GetType();
                Console.WriteLine("Error accessing the database: " + ex.Message+ psDBConnect);
                return "Error accessing the database: " + ex.Message+ "Type= "+t+" ConnectString= "+psDBConnect;
            return "2";
        public bool ADOMDConnectionOpen(ref uint riDBHandle,  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string psDBConnect, int plDBConnectTimeout, int plDBCommandTimeout)
        //public bool ADOMDConnectionOpen(ref uint riDBHandle, ref string psDBConnect, long plDBConnectTimeout, long plDBCommandTimeout)

            //  Returns 0 and Handle >=0 if all OK
            //  Returns -1 if any errors, iHandle >= 0 if connection object created OK (but some other error)
            //  Returns -1 if any errors iHandle = -1 if connection object not created

            uint iDBHandle = 0;

            AdomdConnection objconADOMDs;
            string bstrAccessConnect;

                if (GetNextConnectionHandle(ref iDBHandle))
                    objconADOMDs = new AdomdConnection();
                    bstrAccessConnect = psDBConnect;
                    objconADOMDs.ConnectionString = bstrAccessConnect;
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            //' The connection could not be opened or was disconnected.
                            //' This error can occur at any time, if the provider is
                            //' disconnected from the server.
                            Console.WriteLine(ex);// sjk remove after testing
                        }                    }
                  ADOMDCatalog[iDBHandle].CreateInstance( __uuidof(ADOMD::Catalog));  //creating connection to database
                  ADOMDCatalog[iDBHandle]->ActiveConnection = ADOConnection[iDBHandle];
                  riDBHandle = iDBHandle;
                  return 0;
                    return true;
                return false;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error accessing the database: " + ex.Message);
                return false;


        bool GetNextConnectionHandle(ref uint iHandle)
           uint i;
           i = 0;
              if (ADOConnections[i] == 0)
                 iHandle = i;
                 return true;
           } while (i < MAX_CONNECTIONS);

           return false;

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