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Linking to Microsoft Outlook

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:13 pm
by stephen
If you get The LEAP Outlook Automation component is not ready message
Then you have not linked the Leap Documents Client to Outlook

This is from the document Installing LEAP Documents on a New Workstation

Linking to Microsoft Outlook
Link the staff member to Outlook by:
Ensure Microsoft Outlook is closed
Navigate to Utilities > Staff Setup > double click on the Staff Member > Outlook
Click on Select Profile (you may receive a message that you will require your Outlook or Office CD, click OK to this message)
Choose a Profile window will appear, highlight the profile and click OK
Click on Save, then Done
Restart LEAP Documents and wait for startup to complete
Open Microsoft Outlook
Check that there is a LEAP Inbound Matter Based Email and LEAP Outbound Matter Based Email sub-folders present in Outlook
Check the Matter Based Email button by opening an email message
Create a test email in a matter