robocopy invalid Parameter /LOG:

Support Notes in using Windows Server 2008

robocopy invalid Parameter /LOG:

Postby stephen » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:10 am

ERROR : Invalid Parameter #4 : "/Log+:C:\result.txt"

I had one robocopy running in a dos shell with /log:c:\result.txt

I opened another shell and the 2nd robocopy would not accept the /LOG:c:\result2.txt
had error invalid parameter /LOG

so I created a c:\temp directory and repeated the robocopy with /LOG:c:\temp\result2

this time the robocopy completed.

What I learned.
If two robocopy's are running at the same time from two dos shells the log files need to be in separate directories.

After I fixed the above I still could not copy.
The other problem may be that the dos shell is not running as an administrator. because the next error I had was that I did not have the manage auditing user right.
So I started a new shell with run as an administrator and now the robocopy works.
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