Create a new User in FreeBSD

FreeBSD Installation tips

Create a new User in FreeBSD

Postby stephen » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:12 pm

Information found here

Example 13-1. Adding a user on FreeBSD

# adduser
Username: jru
Full name: J. Random User
Uid (Leave empty for default):
Login group [jru]:
Login group is jru. Invite jru into other groups? []: wheel
Login class [default]:
Shell (sh csh tcsh zsh nologin) [sh]: zsh
Home directory [/home/jru]:
Use password-based authentication? [yes]:
Use an empty password? (yes/no) [no]:
Use a random password? (yes/no) [no]:
Enter password:
Enter password again:
Lock out the account after creation? [no]:
Username : jru
Password : ****
Full Name : J. Random User
Uid : 1001
Class :
Groups : jru wheel
Home : /home/jru
Shell : /usr/local/bin/zsh
Locked : no
OK? (yes/no): yes
adduser: INFO: Successfully added (jru) to the user database.
Add another user? (yes/no): no
Posts: 507
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:37 am
Location: Brisbane

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