How to remove Security Tool

How to remove Security Tool

Postby stephen » Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:22 am

Security Tool is a fake Anti-Virus program that gives false alerts that you are infected.
It also closes Add/Remove Program Control Panel item when you try and open Add/Remove Program.
My virus infection was a 8 digit .exe file beginning with 8*.exe , 8*.bat, 8*,cfg

The fix is to start the PC in Safe Mode
press the F8 key on boot uo and select start in Safe mode.

Login as the infected user

go to DOS prompt
cd %temp%
del *.*
start .
and delete all the folders in the temp folder

Check the users Desktop for any links to Security Tool
Also Check for the virus files in the All Users area
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Local Settings
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\SecurityTool
If the user infected is fred go to this folder and delete the folders with weird names eg jdumsugse
\Documents and Settings\fred\local Settings\Application Data\j

Also check internet options, Connection, Lan Settings,Proxy Server settings remove any proxy server pointing at

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