In order to use Putty to capture a Cisco Router running config
Putty is a telnet client and can be obtained here:
we will turn on logging in Putty
Login to CISCO router
set the terminal length to 0 so that there is no pausing when displaying the config
type show running-config to display the CISCO config
Turn off Putty Logging
and change the Terminal Length back to a suitable size for your screen session.
Connect to the Cisco Router with Putty.exe program
Click top left corner of Putty to get drop down menu
select Change Settings
click on Logging
Select printable Output
Browse and select a file name for the log
Click Apply
login to router
login: cisco
password: cisco
Set the terminal length to 0
terminal length 0
show running-config
terminal length 20
Now turn off the Putty Logging to None.