When we receipt goods into store we used to be able to print a report which consisted of a Receipt Unpacking List and a picking slip. However recently the picking slip page does not appear.
We are trying to get Markinson to fix or explain how this problem can be resolved.
here is the responses so far
Subject: RE: Picking slip print issue
With regards to the printing of batch reports, typically all batch reports execute on the MomentumPro database server, therefore in order for a batch report to be able to print, the printer must exist on the Database server (in this case KC-Data-M). If the printer does not exist on the Momentum Pro Database Server, then the MomentumPro server processes cannot access the printer (and batch reports will not print).
With regards to Mopro Client configuration, there is a utility for setting up client connections (start > Programs > MomentumPro 2.3S > MomentumPro 2.3S Connection Setup).
This utility requires the hostname, and to ports to be specified for each connection
The hostname dropbox takes it’s input from the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file, so the database server would need to have been defined in this file before the connection is setup.
The Live and Markin Service dropboxes take their input from the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services files.
Configuring MomentumPro client connections in any other fashion can be hazardous, and hand editing files within the MomentumPro software folder is not recommended unless you know the product inside out.
Kind Regards,
Technical Services Engineer